Sealock will participate ISPO Munich to show our new products,including waterproof bike bags,waterproof motorcycle bags.After COVID-related break,it is our first time to meet clients overboard face to face.We are excited and looking forward this moment that the sports industry comes together in one place.
After 2020,we are focus on new products lines developing.Waterproof bicycle bags series are the first one we worked on.We develop waterproof frame bag,waterproof top tube bag,waterproof seat bag and waterproof handlebar bag etc..And these bags are popular in USA and EU market,we produce them both in our China and Vietnam factories which depends on clients’ need.The second one is the waterproof motorcycle bags which sell quite well in Germany.
We also produce different kinds of waterproof duffel bags,waterproof backpacks and waterproof waist pack etc..Welcome to contact us with your own design for new bags developing.Normally the sample lead time is 15-20days.
If you will attend ISPO Munich in the end of Nov.,then come stop by we will give you a gift.