HH will use more Substainable and Traceable raw material

From now on, HellyHansen Group requires all materials/auxiliary materials of products to meet the requirements of sustainability and traceability.As HH's supplier of waterproof duffel bags, dry bags and backpacks, Sealock fully understands and supports this requirement.
According to the communication with HH's developer in Hong Kong, it is concluded that from S24, the materials on the new development bags should be ordered with the suppliers already developed by HH group as much as possible, because these materials appear in HH Group's bill of material and HH has done relevant tests.
However, considering the special materials used to make Sealock waterproof bag, HH Group allows some materials to be purchased from Sealock's own suppliers, but all materials and accessories (including buckles) must be submitted to HH Group with corresponding FSS forms, so as to apply for corresponding material numbers in HH's central system. These material numbers will be updated on the bulk DP of each style. Starting from S24, each material on the bulk DP must have the corresponding number given by HH center, and the word “local” cannot appear.
To sum up,what Sealock need to do now is to sort out the FSS forms of  materials/fasteners/

webbing used in all HH styles and submit them to HH for numbering.This will be done soon.
