Last week,One of our customer share us their team rafting pictures in Gui Lin City,South of China.Use Sealock waterproof bag for all belongings is excellent choice to water sports, Sealock Waterproof bag is made of 500D PVC Tarpaulin and 420D texture nylon coated with TPU lamination,it makes bag waterproof and keep belongings dry !Be a HF-Welded waterproof bags manufactures with over 20 years experience,Sealock have core competition in the marketing,especially have talent development team in R&D dpt,like some difficult &complicated concept we can make it come true for customer,And We also have facility in Ho Chi Min city,Vietnam , That can make some US customer have more benefit to their consumer and have strong competition at marketing.
In recent years,Sealock waterproof bag more and more being known for the world,and have support of loyal customer for over 10years,we are growing up together and make each other better now, We are grateful for all of our customer’s support getting us to where we are today,and grateful for all Sealock family’s give,We wouldn't be where we are today!