You see what I mean?
Still don't understand?
Well, it looks like you're a novice sailor
You will see this in phuket in the coming week
The royal family of Thailand attended the opening ceremony
Classic trophy with originality
And of course these --
IRC group 0 events
Ships from all over the world
Of course if you don't have these
A lot of people don't go
King Thai cup regatta!
Has always been
The Thai king's cup is the Chinese fleet
Favorite international event
There are two reasons
First, the level of professional competition is high
For example, IRC group 0, group 1, group 2, group 3
It basically represents the highest level of navigation in the asia-pacific region
The second is...
Why not? The place of competition is in pu! Auspicious! Island!
The king Thai cup
There were four teams competing on Chinese vessels
The old boys, the SV atom,
Alakaluff team, Java team,
The Hong Kong, China fleet has Mr Pang fai's fleet,
EFGMandrake III, Dragons Back,
And the cow fire team